Amit Kumar : Life Is Learning!

Year 2022 Review! ❣️

An ordinary soda during sunset in Maldives

Year 2022 was quite an year for me. Apart from travelling around the world twice, this year was quite happening for me, witnessing various developments in professional as well as personal life.


I worked for Quansight for most of the year, except for 3 months break I took in summer. I worked on various Open Source and client projects this year. Some of the notable ones:

Making GPUs accessible via Array API

I worked on this during the start of the year, which started during the end of 2021. More about it can be read in the blog here.


Formerly known as QHub. I spent some time contributing to Nebari.

Risk Optimization for a Financial Client

This was a POC for a financial client, which involved optimizing some risk calculations using PyData libraries. I don’t remember the exact details, those are the perks of writing the review blog an year late.

GPU Server for conda-forge via Cirun

This was one of the most challenging projects I worked on last year. The goal was to create a service that makes use of a beefy Machine with GPUs for continuous integration, primarily for conda-forge. conda-forge is a community-led collection of recipes, build infrastructure and distributions for the conda package manager.

The machine has following configuration:

  • Model: AMD EPYC 7352 24-Core Processor
  • Architecture: x86_64, 32-bit, 64-bit
  • 48 Cores & ~500 GB Memory
  • 6x NVIDIA Tesla V100

This service was achieved using OpenStack and A more detailed blog post is coming soon.

Docs 👉

Personal Work

Just like last year, I spent most of my spare time building/improving and managed to make my first $ from this project.

Personal Life

  • Got married

  • Finally gave a talk after quite a long time @ PyData London
  • Travelled to following places:
    • Maldives
    • Italy for company retreat
    • Iceland