GSoC : This week in SymPy #10 & #11
Open Source · GSoC · SymPyHi there! It’s been 11 weeks into GSoC and we have reached into the last week before the soft deadline. Here is the Progress so far.
Progress of Week 10 & 11 
Last couple of weeks, I worked mainly on the Documentation of the solveset module. It’s very important to let others know what we are doing and why we are doing, so this PR #9500 is an effort to accomplish that. Here are some of the important questions, I have tried to answer in the PR #9500
- What was the need of a new solvers module?
- Why do we use sets as an output type?
- What is this domain argument about?
- What will you do with the old solve?
- What are the general design principles behind the development of solveset?
- What are the general methods employed by solveset to solve an equation?
- How do we manipulate and return an infinite solutions?
- How does solveset ensures that it is not returning any wrong solution?
There is still some polishing required in this as suggested by @hargup
Linsolve Docs
I completed the documentation PR for linsolve
. See PR #9587
Differential Calculus Methods
I have also started working on the differential calculus methods as mentioned in my proposal here. See diff-cal branch.
from __future__ import plan Week #12:
This week I plan to finish up all the pending work and wrap up the project and get PR #9500 Merged.
$ git log
That’s all for now, looking forward for week #12. :grinning: